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Selecting the Appropriate Canvas Version
Published September 28th, 2022 by KHub
Selecting the Appropriate Canvas Version [Submission] Summary Canvas Parent Accounts have Summary Canvas Parent Accounts have "view only" access to their child's account. This article address the three ways to login and observe through Canvas: Canvas Parent App Canvas Student App Web-Based Canvas Canvas Parent App Access After downloading the Can
Password Creation Tips
Published May 4th, 2022 by KHub
The Technology department has created a helpful guide to help you create a password that meets all of the LISD Password Policy requirements. Guide Let's start by thinking about our password as more of a “pass-phrase.” We can accomplish this by implementing the following guidelines. Think of four random words. Example: tablet, brain, elevate, sch
LISD Safety Guidelines
Published September 8th, 2022 by KHub
LISD seeks to provide a collaborative and unified approach to safety and security in all schools and facilities. Security is always excessive until it is not enough. The safety of our students and staff must be our top priority. We have to work together to have safe schools - safety is everyone's responsibility. Safety Actions Here is a list of ac
Joining a Webex Meeting
Published January 23rd, 2023 by KHub
Joining a Webex Meeting [Submission] Summary Webex meetings are used throughout LISD to connect staff, students and g Summary Webex meetings are used throughout LISD to connect staff, students and guardians. This software allows effective communication for all necessary professional and academic conversations, including meetings. The following inf
LISD Google Apps
Published September 26th, 2022 by KHub
LISD Google Apps [Submission] Summary Students in the Lewisville Independent School District are supplied with Summary Students in the Lewisville Independent School District are supplied with a resource, G Suite for Education (formerly known as GAFE). Google Apps is a set of online tools for communication, collaboration, time-management and documen
Secondary LISD Unapproved Apps
Published September 26th, 2022 by KHub
Secondary LISD Unapproved Apps [Submission] Summary The guidelines for which apps can be listed in the Apple App Store for st Summary The guidelines for which apps can be listed in the Apple App Store for students in secondary grade levels are more flexible than those in elementary school. Apple App Store is available on district iPads in secondary
Paying Student Fees Online
Published January 12th, 2023 by KHub
Paying Student Fees Online [Submission] Summary Parents can pay fees online if they have had the fee added to their stude Summary This article provides instructions for paying any outstanding LISD fees that your student may have. Both methods can be completed within Skyward Family/Student Access . Guide After logging in with the credentials provid
Joining a Parent/Teacher Conference on Webex
Published October 24th, 2023 by KHub
Joining a Parent/Teacher Conference on Webex [Submission] Summary This article was created to demonstrate how parents and guardians can jo Summary This article was created to demonstrate how parents and guardians can join a meeting on Webex, specifically for virtual parent/teacher conferences and meet the teacher orientations. Presentation Gui
Clearing your Cache and Cookies
Published April 11th, 2023 by KHub
Clearing your Cache and Cookies [Submission] Summary Web browsers, like Google Chrome, will download and temporarily store fil Summary Web browsers, like Google Chrome, will download and temporarily store files and data to help speed up the functionality of certain websites you regularly visit. While cached items can make your experience on some sit
Canvas Functions by User
Published September 29th, 2022 by KHub
Canvas Functions by User [Submission] Summary Canvas provides different functions for different user types. This articl Summary Canvas provides different functions for different user types. This article highlights user-specific actions that can be made by parents, students and teachers in Canvas. User Types Parents See all of their children in the
Creating a Canvas Parent Account
Published September 28th, 2022 by KHub
Creating a Canvas Parent Account [Submission] Summary Canvas Parent Accounts allow observers to monitor their student's learnin Summary Canvas Parent Accounts allow observers to monitor their student's learning and progress in Canvas. An observer may be a parent, guardian, mentor, counselor or another individual who needs to view a student's Canvas
Leaving or Ending a Webex Meeting
Published January 25th, 2023 by KHub
Leaving or Ending a Webex Meeting [Submission] Summary Webex allows meeting participants to leave at any time during a meeting. Summary Webex allows meeting participants to leave at any time during a meeting. Webex also gives hosts and cohosts the ability to end the meeting for everyone when appropriate. This article provides instructions for how
Student-Generated Pairing Codes
Published September 26th, 2022 by KHub
Student-Generated Pairing Codes [Submission] Summary Students can generate a pairing code to link an observer to their Canvas Summary Students can generate a pairing code to link an observer to their Canvas account. An observer can enter the pairing code in their User Settings Observing tab. An observer may be a parent, guardian, mentor, counselor
Identifying Login Credentials for your Elementary Student
Published October 11th, 2022 by KHub
Identifying Login Credentials for your Elementary Student [Submission] Summar y This article provides instructions for how to access your elementary c Summar y This article provides instructions for how to access your elementary child's LISD password and username in Skyward Family Access. Passwords are not housed in Skyward Family Access for mid
Changing your Canvas Parent Account's Password
Published September 28th, 2022 by KHub
Changing your Canvas Parent Account's Password [Submission] Summary There are a variety of reasons why you may want or need to update the pas Summary There are a variety of reasons why you may want or need to update the password for your Canvas account. This article provides instructions for how to change your password in Canvas. Guide Before we s
Skyward Family Access Quick Reference Guide
Published October 12th, 2021 by KHub
Skyward Family Access Quick Reference Guide [Submission] Summary The following guide is intended to serve as a quick reference for guardia Summary The following guide is intended to serve as a quick reference for parents and guardians to easily access key information related to using Skyward Family Access. If you would like a printable version of th
What is KHub?
Published August 9th, 2023 by KHub
This article contains an introductory video discussing the overall purpose and key features of LISD's Knowledge Hub ( KHub ). Video About KHub The Knowledge Hub - or KHub for short - was created with the intention of connecting the LISD community to accurate and relevant information to help everyone - including staff, students and their families
Canvas Resources for Parents
Published September 26th, 2022 by KHub
Canvas Resources for Parents [Submission] Summary Canvas gives parents the ability to… See all of their children in the sam Summary Canvas gives parents the ability to… See all of their children in the same account, View the classes, calendars, grades and feedback for each child and Access all of the contact information for each of their children's
Virtual Meeting Etiquette
Published January 26th, 2023 by KHub
Virtual Meeting Etiquette [Submission] Summary Attending a meeting virtually is a common method used by LISD staff to c Summary Attending a meeting virtually is a common method used by LISD staff to connect and discuss important topics with others. The Digital Learning department has identified a list of helpful suggestions to practice when joinin
Family Access Login History
Published January 18th, 2023 by KHub
Family Access Login History [Submission] Summary The Login History tab in Family Access allows parents to view details abo Summary The Login History tab in Family Access allows parents to view details about when the account has been logged into. This article provides a quick overview of how to use this tab. Guide The Login History tab listed at th
Here Comes the Bus
Published August 13th, 2024 by KHub
Here Comes the Bus [Submission] Summary The Here Comes the Bus mobile app is free and available to download on a Summary The Here Comes the Bus mobile app is free and available to download on a smartphone, tablet, or can be accessed on a computer. Please note, internet (WiFi or data) is required to access bus location updates. The app provides: Lo
Changing your Canvas Parent Account's Email
Published September 29th, 2022 by KHub
Changing your Canvas Parent Account's Email [Submission] Summary There are a variety of reasons why you may want or need to update the ema Summary There are a variety of reasons why you may want or need to update the email address associated with your Canvas Parent Account. This article provides instructions for how to change your email in Canvas.
Webex Meeting Views and Features
Published January 25th, 2023 by KHub
Webex Meeting Views and Features [Submission] Summary Webex offers several views and features to use during your virtual meeti Summary Webex offers several views and features to use during your virtual meetings. This article identifies some of those options and provides instructions for how to use them. Guide Layout The Layout button in the top
Providing KHub Article Feedback
Published March 31st, 2023 by KHub
Constructive feedback is needed to ensure that the resources provided in the Knowledge Hub (KHub) are as accurate and relevant as possible. This article identifies the options available to communicate General Article Feedback At the end of each article, KHub prompts you to answer the question “Was this article helpful?” and provides three respons
Requesting a Password Reset
Published August 21st, 2023 by KHub
Because we create strong passwords that nobody can easily guess, we sometimes forget what they are ourselves. This article identifies two different methods that provide support for resetting LISD passwords: Call the LISD Technology Support Line Submit a Support Ticket Note If you remember your LISD password but would like to change it, please refer
Accessing the KHub
Published September 30th, 2022 by KHub
Summary This article provides directions for how different users can navigate to LISD's Knowledge Hub. Note The Knowledge Hub has security settings that only provide users with information that is relevant for them. For example, parents will not be able to see resources specific for teachers or other staff. Guides Parent Instructions Parents and
Email Signature Guides
Published October 13th, 2021 by KHub
Email Signature Guides [Submission] Summary This article provides instructions for those who would like to create a s Summary This article provides instructions for those who would like to create a signature for their email through specific app and device options. Please expand the accordion for method that works best for your email configuration.
Removing a Canvas Observee
Published September 29th, 2022 by KHub
Removing a Canvas Observee [Submission] Summary If you would like to stop observing a student's canvas account that you h Summary If you would like to stop observing a student's canvas account that you have previously paired with your Parent Canvas Account, you will need to remove that student as an observee in Canvas. This article provides instruct
Troubleshooting Webex Meetings
Published January 25th, 2023 by KHub
Troubleshooting Webex Meetings [Submission] Summary This article identifies common challenges that participants may experienc Summary This article identifies common challenges that participants may experience when trying to join a Webex meeting and how to resolve them. Scenario 1 Potential Problem: A participant may get frozen on this screen and c
KHub Article Access Troubleshooting
Published January 20th, 2023 by KHub
The Knowledge Hub (KHub) stores a variety of articles intended for different groups of people. For security and organizational reasons, certain articles are “private” and are only intended to be accessed by certain people based on their role in the district, job type, campus level, department, etc. Note Private articles are only accessible by assign
LISD Mobile App
Published August 10th, 2023 by KHub
The LISD Mobile App was created to allow families to easily access information regarding their student's grades, attendance, menus, bus routes, emergency notifications, and more from their phone. Note To ensure you are viewing the most up-to-date information, please reference the LISD website here . Guide Expand any of the accordions below for d
Manually Creating Embed Codes for Google Drive Files
Published December 14th, 2023 by KHub
Manually Creating Embed Codes for Google Drive Files [Submission] Summary This article provides instructions for how to manually create an embed co Summary This article provides instructions for how to manually create an embed code for Google Drive files without having to publish it to the web. Guide An embed code can be created for any of the fol
Filtering in Google Drive Online
Published January 25th, 2024 by KHub
Filtering in Google Drive Online [Submission] Summary The filtering tool provided by Google Drive is especially helpful to clea Summary The filtering tool provided by Google Drive is especially helpful when cleaning out files and/or folders from your Google storage or even when looking for ones created by someone else. This articles provides informa
KHub Navigation
Published September 30th, 2022 by KHub
There are two different views available when navigating within KHub. Knowledge Base View Default view Public-facing Recommended view when searching for articles Dashboard View Only available for logged in staff Primarily used to create articles Can be used to search, but also lists Categories in results This article provides a virtual tour of KHub a
KHub Glossary
Published October 12th, 2021 by KHub
This is a auto-generated Article of all your definitions within the glossary. Glossary This is a auto-generated Article of all your definitions within the glossary. All 1 A B C . D E H J K L M P S T U V W 1:X The 1:X initiative guarantees that all student have access to the devices needed to participate. 1:X is a trademarked program based on the und
LISD K-8 App Store
Published September 26th, 2022 by KHub
LISD K-8 App Store [Submission] Summary This article provide a comprehensive list of all applications that have c Summary This article provide a comprehensive list of all applications that have currently been… Approved, Approved Only as Class Sets, Not Approved or are Pending Review …for students in kindergarten through eighth grade. Please click on
Avoid the "Reply All" Dilemma in Email Conversations
Published October 12th, 2021 by KHub
Avoid the Summary Many of us send emails to multiple people by entering the names manually Summary Many of us send emails to multiple people by entering the names manually or using a distribution list. Unfortunately, some of the recipients of the email will respond by clicking the Reply All button instead of the Reply button. This means everyone
1:X iPad/Learning Device Resources
Published September 26th, 2022 by KHub
1:X iPad / Learning Device Resources [Submission] Summary LISD's Technology department hosts the following linked resources for the Summary LISD's Technology department hosts the following linked resources for the current school year's 1:X Program: 1:X User Agreement LISD 1:X with Insurance Coverage Terms LISD 1:X without Insurance Coverage Terms 1
Webex Support for Parents and Students
Published October 6th, 2022 by KHub
Summary Webex is a message and video conferencing service that connects LISD students and staff together from anywhere. The following list of resources have been compiled by LISD's Digital Learning department to provide support while using Webex. Please explore the linked materials to learn more. Resources
General Tips for Canvas Observers
Published September 29th, 2022 by KHub
General Tips for Canvas Observers [Submission] Summary LISD's Digital Learning department would like to ensure that all guardian Summary LISD's Digital Learning department would like to ensure that all guardians in the district are prepared for success while monitoring their students' learning progress in Canvas online and/or on a mobile device. Ple